Staffordshire Centre

Norbury Junction - 4.7m -Thursday 24th August

This event is now closed

This is a figure of eight walk centred on Norbury Junction with a wide variety of scenery and notable landmarks.
The first loop follows the Shropshire Union Canal towing path north through a deep cutting and then up an incline to A519 before returning to Norbury Junction along a bridleway taking in variety of countryside scenes. The route passes the remains of Norbury Manor (circa 1300). This loop is 2 1/3 miles with a refreshment break when we return to Norbury Junction. If anyone wants, they can finish the walk at the Norbury Wharf Tea Room while the main party completes the figure of eight.
The second loop starts along a country lane and passes the Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR) Free Air Carbon Dioxide Enrichment facility which is currently the biggest experiment of its type in the world. From here the walk enters the lovely Shelmore Wood. The penultimate leg is along a delightful country lane that joins the canal, which at this point is on a high embankment. To reach the embankment there is a stile, steps, and an incline.
Start: 10:00 am The Junction Inn. To allow time to order food etc please can you arrive before 9:45am.  If you intend going to the pub for lunch please let Graham know by Monday 21st.
The toilets at the Norbury Wharf Tea Room will be open. The sign states these are for customers only. Parking is at The Junction Inn against the hedge.
Sat Nav: ST20 0PN, What3Words – revisits.ferried.young and map reference – SJ 792 228
Organiser: Graham Ferry