Shugborough Forest Garden
A Car Visit on Thursday 10th April
All visits must be paid for in advance. Please use the booking form below to confirm your place on the trip. You will be sent a confirmation email by return. Any problems with the form just ring 01785 247411, or email When making a booking you should be satisfied that you are suitably fit to participate in the activity as outlined in the programme.
This visit is free to members of the Staffordshire Centre and their guests. Please remember to take your National Trust membership card or volunteer card as non-members of the Trust will have to pay the normal entrance fee in order to gain access to Shugborough.
Booking Deadline: April 2nd
Booking Form
Shugborough Forest Garden
Let us know in the Car Share option if you want to go on this visit but are concerned about travel arrangements, and we will try to arrange transport, if possible.
Also, if you are going and could offer a lift to someone who lives near you, please let us know and we will try to match you with others needing assistance to attend.